2013年1月14日 星期一



by sleepyskunk


0:16 - Beasts of the Southern Wild《南方野獸樂園》2013
0:17 - Hitchcock《驚悚大師: 希區考克》2013
0:18 - Life of Pi《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》2012
0:19 - Unconditional《無條件為你》2012
0:20 - Resident Evil: Retribution《惡靈古堡5:天譴日3D》2012
0:21 - Chronicle《超能失控》2012
0:22 - Killer Joe《殺手不好喬》2011
0:23 - Once Upon a Time in Anatolia《安那托利亞故事》2011
0:24 - The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey《哈比人:意外旅程》2012
0:25 - Prometheus《普羅米修斯》2012
0:26 - Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter《吸血鬼獵人:林肯總統》2012
0:27 - Looper《迴路殺手》2012
0:28 - Cloud Atlas《雲圖:穿越過去未來》2012
0:29 - Skyfall《007:空降危機》2012
0:30 - House at the End of the Street《地下弒》2012
0:32 - Hick《鄉下人》2012
0:32 - Rock of Ages《搖滾時代》2012
0:33 - The Thieves《神偷大劫案》2012
0:34 - This Means War《特務愛很大》2012
0:35 - Lay the Favorite《賭城風雲》2012
0:36 - Cosmopolis《夢遊大都會》2012
0:38 - Pusher《末路狂奔》2012
0:39 - Hotel Transylvania《尖叫旅社》2012
0:39 - Step Up: Revolution《舞力全開4 3D》2012
0:40 - Gone《致命救援》2012
0:41 - Step Up: Revolution《舞力全開4 3D》2012
0:42 - 2016: Obama’s America《2016:歐巴馬的美國》
0:43 - Ultrasuede - In Search of Halston《超麂皮:尋找Halston》2010
0:44 - Antiviral《追星病毒》2012
0:45 - Lockout《天外封鎖線》2012
0:46 - Jesus Henry Christ《我是亨利,我找我爸》2012
0:47 - Branded《莫斯科2017》2012
0:48 - Beyond the Black Rainbow《迷幻黑彩虹》2010
0:49 - The Possession《聚魔櫃》2012
0:50 - Resident Evil: Retribution《惡靈古堡5:天譴日3D》2012
0:50 - The Bay《恐怖海灣》2012
0:51 - Robot and Frank《機器人與法蘭克》2012
0:51 - The Wicker Tree《異教徒2 》2012
0:52 - Perfect Sense《末日情緣》2011
0:53 - The Apparition《幻影》2012
0:54 - Skyfall《007:空降危機》2012
0:55 - The Intouchables《逆轉人生》2012
0:55 - To Rome With Love《愛上羅馬》2012
0:56 - REC 3: Genesis《死亡錄像3:起源》2012
0:57 - The Devil Inside《心魔》2012
0:58 - The Raven《神探愛倫坡:黑鴉疑雲》2012
1:00 - Frankenweenie《科學怪犬》2012
1:01 - Silent House《一噤到底》2012
1:02 - The Possession《聚魔櫃》2012
1:03 - The Moth Diaries《飛蛾日記》2011
1:04 - Meeting Evil《當魔鬼來敲門》2012
1:05 - V/H/S《致命錄像帶》2012
1:06 - The Innkeepers《鬼店另有主》2011
1:08 - The Woman in Black《顫慄黑影》2012
1:08 - Paranormal Activity 4《鬼入鏡4》2012
1:10 - Sinister《凶兆》2012
1:11 - Gut《窺視GUT》2012
1:12 - Intruders《入侵者》2012
1:13 - The Apparition《幻影》2012
1:14 - The Tall Man《巨魔人》2012
1:14 - Dark Shadows《黑影家族》2012
1:15 - Silent Night《獵殺平安夜》2012
1:16 - Silent Hill: Revelation《沉默之丘2:啟示錄》2012
1:17 - Snow White and the Huntsman《公主與狩獵者》2012
1:18 - Skyfall《007:空降危機》2012
1:19 - Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter《吸血鬼獵人:林肯總統》2012
1:20 - Espace (Flukt)《Espace (Flukt) 逃亡》2012
1:21 - Dangerous Liaisons《危險關係》2012
1:22 - Silent Hill: Revelation《沉默之丘2:啟示錄》2012
1:23 - The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II《暮光之城:破曉2》2012
1:25 - Killing Them Softly《殺戮行動》2012
1:27 - Underworld: Awakening《決戰異世界:未來復甦3D》2012
1:28 - Killing Them Softly《殺戮行動》2012
1:29 - The Cabin in the Woods《詭屋》
1:31 - Iron Sky《納粹月球軍》2012
1:32 - The Hunger Games《飢餓遊戲》2012
1:34 - Headhunters《獵頭遊戲》2012
1:35 - Silent Hill: Revelation《沉默之丘2:啟示錄》2012
1:36 - The Dark Knight Rises《黑暗騎士:黎明昇起》2012
1:37 - The Raid: Redemption《全面突襲》2012
1:38 - The Central Park Five《第五中央公園》2012
1:39 - Bait《大海啸之鲨口逃生》2012
1:40 - Asylum Blackout《瘋人院事件》2011
1:41 - The Collection《蒐屍魔》2012
1:42 - Asylum Blackout《瘋人院事件》2011
1:42 - Gone《致命救援》2012
1:43 - Dredd 3D《超時空戰警3D》2012
1:43 - Skyfall《007:空降危機》2012
1:44 - Citadel《監獄是我家》2012
1:45 - The Pruitt-Igoe Myth《Pruitt-Igoe:住房運動神話的崩壞》2012
1:46 - End of Watch《火線赤子情》2012
1:47 - The Raid: Redemption《全面突襲》2012
1:48 - Chernobyl Diaries《厄夜車諾比》2012
1:48 - Grave Encounters 2《預見亡靈2》2012
1:49 - End of Watch《火線赤子情》2012
1:50 - Oslo, August 31st《 八月三十一日,我在奧斯陸》2012
1:51 - The Pruitt-Igoe Myth《Pruitt-Igoe:住房運動神話的崩壞》2012
1:52 - How Much Does Your Building Weigh, Mr. Foster《福斯特先生,您的建築有多重?》2012
1:53 - Escape Fire《逃生:美國醫療救援之戰》2012
1:53 - 28 Hotel Rooms《28個旅館房間》2012
1:53 - Comic Con Episode IV - A Fan’s Hope《動漫節趣事4:粉絲的希望》2012
1:54 - Samsara《輪迴》2012
1:55 - Alex Cross《FBI重裝戒備》2012
1:56 - The Dark Knight Rises《黑暗騎士:黎明昇起》2012
2:00 - End of Watch《火線赤子情》2012
2:01 - Safe House《狡兔計畫》2012
2:02 - Stolen《盜數計時》2012
2:03 - Safe《火線反擊》2012
2:04 - Asylum Blackout《瘋人院事件》2011
2:05 - Get the Gringo《抓住外國佬》2012
2:06 - The Raid: Redemption《全面突襲》2012
2:07 - Starry Starry Night《星空》2011
2:09 - Project X《派對X計畫》2012
2:14 - Dredd 3D《超時空戰警3D》2012
2:14 - Wrath of the Titans《怒戰天神》2012
2:15 - Wreck-It Ralph《無敵破壞王》2012
2:16 - Lockout《天外封鎖線》2012
2:17 - Stolen《盜數計時》2012
2:19 - Won’t Back Down《永不放棄》2012
2:19 - Celeste and Jesse Forever《真愛Hold不住?!》2012
2:19 - Seven Psychopaths《瘋狗綁票令》2012
2:19 - Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie《十億美元大電影》2012
2:19 - Jeff Who Lives at Home《宅在家的傑克》2012
2:20 - Trouble with the Curve《人生決勝球》2012
2:20 - The Sessions《性福療程》2013
2:20 - American Reunion《美國派:高潮再起》2012
2:20 - Dark Horse《黑馬馬力夯》2012
2:20 - Mirror, Mirror《魔鏡,魔鏡》2012
2:20 - Savages《野蠻告白》2012
2:21 - Safety Not Guaranteed《超時空徵友啟事》2012
2:22 - Solomon Kane《所羅門傳奇》2010
2:23 - Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance《3D惡靈戰警:復仇時刻》2012
2:24 - John Carter《異星戰場:強卡特戰記》2012
2:25 - Wrath of the Titans《怒戰天神》2012
2:26 - Skyfall《007:空降危機》2012
2:27 - Men in Black 3《MIB星際戰警3》2012
2:28 - Pitch Perfect《歌喉讚》2012
2:29 - Fun Size《瘋狂萬聖節》2012
2:30 - Declaration of War《親愛的別哭》2012
2:30 - Chasing Mavericks《衝破極限》2012
2:31 - Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted《馬達加斯加3:歐洲大圍捕》2012
2:31 - Jack Reacher《神隱任務》2012
2:32 - Act of Valor《海豹神兵:英勇行動》2012
2:33 - Snow White and the Huntsman《公主與狩獵者》2012
2:34 - Hit & Run《飆客找麻煩》2012
2:34 - Funeral Kings《無中文片名》2012
2:35 - This is 40《40惑不惑?》2012
2:36 - What to Expect When You’re Expecting《好孕大作戰》2012
2:37 - The Three Stooges《三個臭皮匠》2012
2:38 - Wanderlust《隨心所欲》2012
2:38 - The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel《金盞花大酒店》2012
2:38 - The Dictator《大獨裁者落難記》2012
2:39 - Contraband《禁運品》2012
2:40 - Taken 2《即刻救援2》2012
2:40 - Lawless《野蠻正義》2012
2:41 - The Campaign《官賤對決》2012
2:42 - Step Up: Revolution《舞力全開4 3D》2012
2:43 - The Grey《即刻獵殺》2012
2:44 - John Carter《異星戰場:強卡特戰記》2012
2:45 - Lockout《天外封鎖線》2012
2:46 - The Bourne Legacy《神鬼認證4》2012
2:46 - Let the Bullets Fly《讓子彈飛》2010
2:48 - The Vow《愛‧重來》2012
2:49 - Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax《羅雷司》2012
2:50 - The Watch《巡邏驚很大》2012
2:51 - Magic Mike《舞棍俱樂部》2012
2:52 - This Means War《特務愛很大》2012
2:53 - Django Unchained《決殺令》2012
2:54 - Piranha 3DD《3D食人魚2:全面獵殺》2012
2:56 - The Impossible《浩劫奇蹟》2012
2:57 - Bait《3D大海嘯之鯊口逃生》2012
2:58 - Goon《呆子Goon》2011
2:59 - Tai Chi Zero《太極1從零開始》2011
3:00 - Dragon《馴龍高手》2010
3:00 - Tai Chi Zero《太極1從零開始》2011
3:01 - Wreck-it-Ralph《無敵破壞王》2012
3:03 - Chronicle《超能失控》2012
3:04 - Ice Age: Continental Drift《冰原歷險記4:板塊漂移》2012
3:05 - A Cat in Paris《巴黎夜貓》2011
3:06 - Jack Reacher《神隱任務》2012
3:07 - My Way《登陸之日》2012
3:09 - Haywire《即刻反擊》2012
3:10 - Man on a Ledge《驚天換日》2012
3:12 - Battleship《超級戰艦》2012
3:16 - ParaNorman《派拉諾曼:靈動小子》2012
3:17 - Wrath of the Titans《怒戰天神》2012
3:18 - Skyfall《007:空降危機》2012
3:18 - That’s My Boy《我老爸卡好》2012
3:19 - Seeking a Friend For the End of the World《末日情缘》2012
3:19 - Safe《火線反擊》2012
3:20 - Total Recall《攔截記憶碼》2012
3:21 - The Amazing Spider-Man《蜘蛛人:驚奇再起》2012
3:22 - Moonrise Kingdom《月昇冒險王國》2012
3:22 - Red Tails《紅色尾翼》2012
3:23 - The Avengers《復仇者聯盟》2012
3:24 - Rise of the Guardians《捍衛聯盟》2012
3:25 - Men in Black 3《MIB星際戰警3》2012
3:26 - Rise of the Guardians《捍衛聯盟》2012
3:27 - Looper《迴路殺手》2012
3:28 - The Avengers《復仇者聯盟》2012
3:32 - Battleship《派拉諾曼:靈動小子》2012
3:34 - Red Dawn《追擊赤色風暴》2012
3:35 - Not Fade Away《從未消失》2012
3:36 - The Inbetweeners《小屁孩大反撲》2011
3:37 - Skyfall《007:空降危機》2012
3:38 - Safe《火線反擊》2012
3:39 - Playing for Keeps《情場大玩咖》2012
3:41 - This Means War《特務愛很大》2012
3:41 - The Good Doctor《凶心仁術》2012
3:42 - Premium Rush《超急快遞》2012
3:43 - 21 Jump Street《龍虎少年隊》2012
3:44 - Deadfall《致命陷阱》2012
3:45 - Hit & Run《飆客找麻煩》2012
3:45 - The Man with the Iron Fists《鐵拳》2012
3:46 - Lincoln《林肯》2012
3:47 - Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter《吸血鬼獵人:林肯總統》2012
3:49 - Here Comes the Boom《肉腳擂台》2012
3:51 - This Means War《特務愛很大》2012
3:51 - Save the Date《戀愛預留日》2012
3:52 - TED《熊麻吉》2012
3:55 - Butter《美味奶油心》2012
3:56 - Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days《遜咖冒險王3》2012
3:56 - End of Watch《火線赤子情》2012
3:57 - Holy Motors《花都魅影》2012
3:59 - 21 Jump Street《龍虎少年隊》2012
4:00 - Casa de mi Padre《我老爸的房子》2012
4:01 - Safe House《狡兔計畫》2012
4:03 - The Expendables 2《浴血任務2》2012
4:11 - Django Unchained《決殺令》2012
4:19 - The Viral Factor《逆戰》2012
4:21 - LUV《無中文片名》2012
4:22 - Snow White and the Huntsman《公主與狩獵者》2012
4:25 - Life of Pi《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》2012
4:29 - Dredd 3D《超時空戰警3D》2012
4:30 - Wrath of the Titans《怒戰天神》2012
4:32 - Brave《勇敢傳說》2012
4:36 - Journey 2: The Mysterious Island《地心冒險2:神秘島》2012
4:39 - Iron Sky《納粹月球軍》2012
4:40 - Life of Pi《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》2012
4:42 - The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II《暮光之城:破曉2》2012
4:44 - Prometheus《普羅米修斯》2012
4:47 - Starry Starry Night《星空》2011
4:49 - Once Upon a Time in Anatolia《安那托利亞故事》2011
4:52 - Waiting for Lightning《等待閃電》2012
4:53 - The Master《世紀教主》2012
4:55 - Hyde Park on Hudson《哈德遜岸邊的海德公園》
4:56 - Ruby Sparks《客製化女神》2012
4:57 - Sound of my Voice《傾聽我的聲音》2011
4:58 - The Deep Blue Sea《深海謎情》2012
5:01 - The Lucky One《幸運符》2012
5:02 - Salmon Fishing in the Yemen《飄洋過海,愛上妳》2012
5:04 - Beyond the Black Rainbow《迷幻黑彩虹》2010
5:06 - Rust and Bone《烈愛重生》2012
5:07 - The Grey《即刻獵殺》2012
5:08 - Ginger and Rosa《琴與羅莎》2012
5:10 - The Thieves《神偷大劫案》2012
5:11 - The Odd Life of Timothy Green《小芽的奇幻人生》2012
5:12 - Red Tails《紅色尾翼》2012
5:12 - Total Recall《攔截記憶碼》2012
5:15 - The Impossible《浩劫奇蹟》2012
5:16 - Red Dawn《追擊赤色風暴》2012
5:17 - Looper《迴路殺手》2012
5:20 - The Divide《崩裂:毀滅殺陣》
5:21 - The Amazing Spider-Man《蜘蛛人:驚奇再起》2012
5:23 - Alex Cross《FBI重裝戒備》2012
5:24 - Prometheus《普羅米修斯》2012
5:29 - Cloud Atlas《雲圖:穿越過去未來》
5:31 - Battleship《派拉諾曼:靈動小子》2012
5:32 - Hencho en Mexico《墨西哥出品》2012
5:33 - The Divide《崩裂:毀滅殺陣》2012
5:35 - Anna Karenina《安娜‧卡列妮娜》2012
5:36 - Cloud Atlas《雲圖:穿越過去未來》2012
5:37 - The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey《哈比人:意外旅程》2012
5:41 - The Hunger Games《飢餓遊戲》2012
5:45 - Argo《亞果出任務》2012
5:51 - Act of Valor《海豹神兵:英勇行動》2012
5:52 - Zero Dark Thirty《00:30凌晨密令》2012
5:53 - Act of Valor《海豹神兵:英勇行動》2012
5:54 - Zero Dark Thirty《00:30凌晨密令》2012
5:56 - The Avengers《復仇者聯盟》2012
5:58 - Beasts of the Southern Wild《南方野獸樂園》2013
5:59 - Life of Pi《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》2012
6:00 - Starry Starry Night《星空》2011
6:01 - Wrath of the Titans《怒戰天神》2012
6:04 - Flight《機密真相》2012
6:05 - Life of Pi《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》2012
6:08 - The Perks of Being a Wallflower《壁花男孩》2012
6:10 - That’s My Boy《我老爸卡好》2012
6:11 - The Viral Factor《逆戰》2012
6:13 - Apart《分秒間離》2012
6:15 - Anna Karenina《安娜‧卡列妮娜》2012
6:16 - The Dark Knight Rises《黑暗騎士:黎明昇起》2012
6:18 - Unconditional《無條件為你》2012
6:18 - Amour《愛‧慕》2012
6:20 - First Position《芭蕾首步曲》2012
6:21 - Moonrise Kingdom《月昇冒險王國》2012
6:22 - Silver Linings Playbook《派特的幸福劇本》2012
6:23 - The Lady《以愛之名:翁山蘇姬》2012
6:24 - Detachment《人間師格》2012
6:25 - Monsieur Lazhar《再見了,拉札老師》2012
6:26 - Les Miserables《悲慘世界》2012
6:27 - Flight of the Butterflies《無中文片名》2012
